Friday, December 30, 2011
- Marlene Cooley
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Closed Captioning for Stake Conference
We are so excited and pleased to announce that closed captioning for the hearing impaired will be available once again for our upcoming Stake Conference meetings to be held on January 7th and 8th at the Stake Center located on 4500 Seven Bar Loop, ABQ, NM, 87114. This service will be available for the Saturday evening adult session at 6:30pm and also the Sunday 10:00am session. Please pass this information along to all those that might benefit from this incredible technology. We encourage all who have difficulty hearing, and any family members who wish to join them, to sit in the closed caption section of the cultural hall. ASK AN USHER TO SHOW YOU TO THIS AREA.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Scripture Journals

Merry Christmas! In an attempt to make scripture study more meaningful for our family, I have been scouring the web, trying to find SOMETHING . . .
Well, I have found a lot of things that I put on my Church Board in pinterest, but I still wanted a journal for my kids to work with.
Long story, short (too late!) I made up five different page options (using another ladies wording) for a scripture journal, the first for a pre-K writer and the last something that I will use. Then, because we are going to start the Book of Mormon over again, I put in the Scripture Mastery key words in a traceable font for the preschool set in the same format. This lady (NOT ME!) has developed this lovely little printable that can be printed on clear(ish) sticker paper, and applied directly to your scriptures. These are the same keywords that I used.
Please e-mail me at girlpowerjedi(at)hotmail(dot)com if you would like a copy of the file. It is a pdf and I do not know how to upload it. Sorry!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Church Bag Swap
The items can be anything from file folder games to busy bags (self-contained activities that fit in a gallon sized ziploc bag and can be stored easily.)
What are the group guidelines?
1. Make 10 of your activity (the same activity 10 times)
2. Activity should be geared to some sort of gospel principle
3. Activity should be gender neutral
4. Activity needs to fit into a gallon sized ziploc bag (or smaller)
5. Paper pieces should be laminated (I have a laminator I can lend out but you will need to provide your own laminating sheets)
6. Activities should be self contained and resuable - nothing should have to be added to the bag over time
7. Activities should be convenient and not require any major set up or clean up (no paint, liquids, sand, etc.)
6. There is a spending cap of $20 for all 10 activities (feel free to do it for less though!)
What is the deadline?
I would like to swap bags on January 17.
Where can I get activity ideas?
There are TONS of busy bag ideas out there online. A lot of these links include printables/directions to make the activity. Here are a few links to activity ideas I have a whole bunch of CDs that you can print file folder games from.
How to sign up?
Please leave a comment on this blog post that includes your email address. I will take the first 9 people who sign up making it a total of 10 people. PLEASE only sign up if you are able to create your bags by the January 17 deadline. I will email the group members once I have 9 participants and we can hammer out some details and share our activities to avoid duplications.
Please call or email with additional questions
Bethany O
Saturday, December 17, 2011
flashlights & popcorn for sale!
The flashlights are AWESOME. They come in a 3 pack for $20. They are waterproof. One is powered by shaking it, one is solar powered (can even be charged by headlights from your car and holds a charge for years!), and one clips to the brim of a hat. These are the best, most versatile flashlights I've ever owned. These ARE NOT available in stores so don't miss out getting them now. Great for 72 hour kits, keeping under your sink or in your car, and make great gifts.
Also, there are 5 or 6 different varieties of popcorn that they're selling (and who doesn't love having an instant snack around?)
They're at the Lowe's near Cottonwood mall today until 4:30PM or you can get them from any scout in the ward (or contact Rebecca H. and she'll make sure you get what you need.)
If you need her contact info or names of any scouts selling the goods you can email me at melissa dot lee dot spencer at gmail dot com.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Thanks, Sherae
Monday, December 12, 2011
Girls interested in Science grades 5-9
Here is an email my school sent out today:
Expanding Your Horizons will be held on Saturday, Jan. 28 from 8:30-12 at the UNM Centennial Engineering Center. This is a great event for young women grades 5-9 who are interested in science and engineering. Career-focused, hands-on workshops are provided by professionals – many from Sandia Labs. This year, workshop choice is on-line and first-come, first-serve – so register early.
Friday, December 9, 2011
ASL Classes: Round Two!
I'm going to be teaching two ASL this go round. (around? round? whatever.) ASL 1 for beginners and ASL 2 for those who made it through my first class.
It's a 10 week class, every Thursday. You don't need anything...just show up at my house and learn. I will have video of a really cute guy (my husband) signing the words posted on the class blog. That way you can review and practice the signs whenever you want and also share it with your family so you can all pretend to be deaf. Won't that be fun!
Classes start Thursday Jan 12.
ASL 1 will be from 9-10am
ASL 2 will be from 10:30-11:30am.
The classes are free. They are fun. If nothing else it is an hour to socialize with friends in another language. Bonus!!
Please, let me know if you are interested in taking the class this time around. You can call me...if you know my number. You can email me stef.burns at You can leave a comment here. Just let me know so I can make plans.
Job fair tomorrow
Job fair for Tempur-Pedic mattress company tomorrow (Saturday) from 8AM-12noon. Click on the link above to find out more info.
Quilting frame needed
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
breast pump needed
Friday, December 2, 2011
Time Out for Women
Check out the link:
Individuals can register for the Group rate without registering in a group if they register by December 6th. TELL EVERYONE!{Early Bird Email Share Link:}
{Registration Link:}
DATE CHANGE: Because April begins on a Sunday in 2012, General Conference is scheduled for March 31-April 1. Therefore, the General YW Broadcast will be held on March 24th. It is our policy to never hold TOFW events when a Church-wide event is taking place and because this calendaring time was missed during scheduling we need to CHANGE THE DATE OF THE ALBUQUERQUE TOFW EVENT. Rather than March 23-24, the event will be held one week earlier on March 16-17, 2012. If this date change effects anyone's availability to be a team member, please let your captain know right away and help her find someone to replace you. We understand the new date is at the end of the Albuquerque Public School Spring Break, however, it is the very best date we could provide with the rest of our busy Tour and the Venue's availability. We hope that many women will make TOFW the wonderful end to their Spring Break! ;)
Please see Linda H for additional information. Brochures are coming soon
Sunday, November 27, 2011
When are the activities
Friday, November 25, 2011
need new Holiday music?
Sunday, November 20, 2011
House for Rent
Monday, November 14, 2011
Wheelchair Needed for Borrowing Please!
Thank you!!!
shooting stars Thursday
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Bags of Hope
Friday, November 11, 2011
Mom's Holiday Shop & Swap.... Spend Nothing
WHERE: The Rogers' Cul-de-sac/corner
(look in Ventana Ranch Ward List...or e-mail to get our address)
TIME: 8:00-9:00 Drop off stuff/trade for tickets.
10:00-11:30 Come and redeem tickets and take "new" stuff home.
Why: Swap things for presents/gifts/or whatever!! (my kids are still young enough that a used toy, is still new to them.) :)
Drop off toys, games, books, kitchen or bathroom stuff, clothes for kids or adults, etc., etc. Please bring things in good condition. We have been getting organized for the holidays, and switching stuff out, pulling winter clothes out, and realize, someone could use this. Also, since our youngest is 3 now, cute rock and ride horse that "neighs", baby sutff, we have good fisher price toys, ages 6 months-2 yrs.), ages 6 months-7 yrs.) that I could give to Savers...or more fun....share with someone else. Maybe I could find some treasures too! I hope we have lots to participate. :) Please e-mail rogersareblessed(at)gmail(dot)com so I can get an idea of how many tables I will need. Also, since we will be getting new stuff for Christmas, I'm still going through stuff to see what we won't play with as much.:)
See you all soon!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
A baby shower for Steph and baby Claya
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Baby, It's Cold Outside!
Where: Bethany Ostler's home
When: November 15, 12:30-2:00
Bring a yummy soup and be prepared to e-mail your recipe to Stef. See you there!
Food Storage Recipes
Salsa Chicken and Black Bean Soup
by Holly Y.
8 c. water
2 T. chicken bouillon
2 chicken breasts
1 c. salsa
Put above ingredients in crockpot on high for 3 hrs.
Shred chicken, then add:
1 tsp cumin, chili powder, dried oregano
1/2 tsp garlic powder
2 cans black beans (rinsed)
1 can corn (drained)
Cook on low for 1 hr. (If you could it longer the herbs become bland.) Serve with cheese and crushed tortilla chips.
Tasty Breadsticks
by Kristie L.
1 T yeast
1 1/2 c. warm water
2 T granulated sugar
1/2 t. salt
3 c. flour (or use 1/2 whole wheat flour)
1/2 c. butter
onion salt
garlic salt
Italian seasoning
Parmesan cheese
Dissolve yeast in warm water, then add sugar, salt, and flour. Mix well. Let dough rise for 10 minutes. Melt 1/2 c. (1 stick) of butter and spread 1/2 of the butter on a cooking sheet. Roll out the dough onto the butter-greased sheet. Spread on the remaining butter on top. Sprinkle onion salt, garlic salt, Italian seasoning, and Parmesan cheese on top*. Cut into bread sticks with a pizza cutter. Let rise for another 15 minutes. Bake at 375 for 20 minutes.
* I use the recipe found out Our Best Bites for the topping, found here. I always have some in the fridge.
Also, I used 1/2 white wheat flour at the activity and I will definitely be making it that way again or with even more wheat flour!
Cookie Exchange/Busy Mom Book Club
You ask, well, I don't go to the book club, but still want to come. Your in luck. Just because you don't go to the book club, doesn't mean you can come. Just bring your goodies to exchange. For those in the book club, bring the book. Now for the talented ones that will be doing both, bring your goodies AND your book.
Since we will be exchanging cookies, I need a count of how many people want to participate. Please send RSVP to me, jennifer dot childers at gmail dot com by DEC 1st. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, please refer to the above mentioned email and I will respond back. Thanks!
Preschool Busy Bag Swap
Hi ladies! I would like to get a group together to host a Preschool Busy Bag Swap.
Why make busy bags?
These are a great way to keep a toddler/preschooler busy for 15-30 minutes at a time. I have made 15 bags this fall and I grab a couple and take them to appointments, church or use them at home while I nurse my baby. My daughter loves them and I like that she is learning something and staying busy. These are perfect for the upcoming winter months when we will be inside a lot more.
What are the group guidelines?
1. Make 15 of your busy bag activity (the same activity 15 times)
2. Activity should be geared to the preschool crowd - 2.5-5 year old
3. Activity should be gender neutral
4. Activity needs to fit into a gallon sized ziploc bag
5. Paper pieces should be laminated (I have a laminator I can lend out but you will need to provide your own laminating sheets)
6. Busy bags should be self contained and resuable - nothing should have to be added to the bag over time
7. Busy bag should be convenient and not require any major set up or clean up (no paint, liquids, sand, etc.)
6. There is a spending cap of $20 for all 15 activities (feel free to do it for less though!)
Where can I get activity ideas?
There are TONS of busy bag ideas out there online. A lot of these links include printables/directions to make the activity. Here are a few links to activity ideas
How to sign up?
Please leave a comment on this blog post that includes your email address. I will take the first 14 people who sign up making it a total of 15 people. PLEASE only sign up if you are able to create your bags by the December 8 deadline. I will email the group members once I have 14 participants and we can hammer out some details and share our activities to avoid duplications.
Please call or email with additional questions
Monique F. (Ventana Ward)
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
great free concert Saturday

Do you love music? Would you like to expose your kids to more music? Are you looking for something to do this Saturday night?
You are officially invited to come and enjoy the Stake Fall Music concert this Saturday night at 7 PM at the Stake Center Cultural Hall. It will last about an hour, is family friendly (bring the kids), will have great music from all skill levels and many different instruments, and is free. Also, there will be ice cream sundaes for the refreshments.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Kid's Ornament-Making Class
Kid's Ornament-Making Class
Get a head start on the holidays! Think: teachers, friends, neighbors, cousins, and grandparents. What is the perfect, homemade and thoughtful gift your kids can give themselves? Answer: Handmade ceramic Christmas ornaments.
Join us for a day of ornament-making Saturday, November 26th. Students will have the opportunity to make as many ornaments as they would like and the $15 fee (per child) includes all clay, the 2 hours of studio time, and the first firing.
Two class times available on the 26th:
Preschool Potters (ages 4 to 5), 10am to noon
Clay Kids (ages 6 and up), 1pm to 3pm
Call or email for more details and to register: jennywappett(at)gmail(dot)com, (505)890-3349
Deadline for registration: November 19th
Saturday, November 5, 2011
I need a favor
Lisa B. (from Ventana ward)
mammaburk at gmail (dot) com
Thursday, November 3, 2011
All Sewers
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Pumpkin Bread
Whole-Wheat Pumpkin Bread
- 1 ½ cups whole-wheat flour
- 1 ½ teaspoons cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon ground ginger
- ½ teaspoon nutmeg
- 1/8 teaspoon cloves
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- ¼ teaspoon baking powder
- ½ teaspoon salt
- 2 eggs
- ½ cup oil
- ½ cup honey
- ½ teaspoon vanilla
- 1 cup pumpkin puree
- 1/2 cup chopped chocolate chips
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- In a large mixing bowl whisk together the dry ingredients (from the flour down to the salt).
- Make a well (hole) in the center and throw in the eggs, oil, honey, and vanilla. Stir together thoroughly with a fork, but do not overmix.
- Fold in the pumpkin puree and nuts (if using).
- Generously grease a large loaf pan or put muffin liners in a muffin pan and then pour in the batter.
- For a loaf bake for approximately 30 – 40 minutes and for muffins bake for approximately 18 – 22 minutes. Check for doneness by making sure a toothpick inserted comes out clean
- This is from
Thursday, October 27, 2011
need help...
I took Nolen off the rice and oatmeal then put him on the Gerber baby food. The gas continued but was not as bad. Since then, I have tried many different foods and formula. We opted to keep him on Soy formula because the milk based formula seemed to cause him more discomfort.
Yesterday, I fed Nolen a handful of honey nut Cheerios, apple sauce, blueberry banana and apple's baby food, and for dinner he had some whole carrots peas corn and zucchini.
Out of all of that, I have no clue what would cause such painful gas; however, he was up ALL night crying and in pain.
I am asking for any help, any help at all would be great. If you have been through something like this yourself, or with your child, please, please, please help. I am suspecting a gluten allergy but I don't even know where to begin to get it diagnosed let alone fix the problem.
Thanks from one tired Mom.
You can email me at juliembarnes (at) gmail or just leave a comment here.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Shutterfly Holiday Card party
I was chosen to host a shutterfly Holiday Card party November 19th, at 3:00. This is a Saturday for those interested in attending. All are invited. Shutterfly is an awesome website that allows users to upload photos and create awesome memories like photo books, mugs, cards, and tons more amazing cute photo items.
Shutterfly is supplying free gifts for all who want to attend and I will show you some of the cool things I have made over the last 10 years using shutterfly. If you are at all interested, click here. It will be worth it just to learn about an easier way to scrapbook. (oh and yes, you can bring your kids!)
If you have any questions, please email me at juliembarnes (at) gmail
Friday, October 14, 2011
Busy Mom Book Club
If you didn't get a chance to read last month's book, you should read it. It was outstanding. "Wildwood Dancing." Great book. No, really. It is good!!
This month we are going to read "Hattie Big Sky" by Kirby Larson.
For most of her life, sixteen-year-old Hattie Brooks has been shuttled from one distant relative to another. Tired of being Hattie Here-and-There, she summons the courage to leave Iowa and move all by herself to Vida, Montana, to prove up on her late uncle’s homestead claim. "At least now my letters will be more interesting," she writers to her good friend, Charlie, who is fighting the Kaiser in France.
Under the big sky, Hattie braves hard weather, hard times, a cantankerous cow, and her own hopeless hand at the cookstove. Her quest to make a home is championed by new neighbors Perilee Mueller, her German husband, and their children. For the first time in her life, Hattie feels part of a family, finding the strength to stand up against Traft Martin’s schemes to buy her out and against increasing pressure to be a "loyal" American at a time when anything—or anyone—German is suspect. Despite daily trials, Hattie continues to work her uncle’s claim until an unforeseen tragedy causes her to search her soul for the real meaning of home.
Lovingly stitched together from Kirby Larson’s own family history, and the sights, sounds and scents of a homesteading life, this young pioneer’s story celebrates the true spirit of independence.
It is a great, light, easy reading book, perfect for this time of year.
We will meet Nov. 8 at Jenny C. house. We will post the time later but it will be during the day. Hope to see you all there!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Free Bassinet
I have a FREE bassinet to give to someone in need of one. I was given it by someone in the ward and now Sammy is getting too big. Its white and navy blue with small polkadots.
Email me at kelliejh at yahoo dot com if you would like it! Or number is in the ward directory for the Volcano Cliffs ward!
Kellie W.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Busy Mom Book Club: Wildwood Dancing.
Nevertheless, we are going to meet Thurs. Oct. 13 at 12:30-1:45ish at my house (Stef Burns). If you need the address just email me stef.burns @
We read Wildwood Dancing, a FANTACTIC book!
We are going to bring in Pei Wei in, so I need you to send me your orders. I will buy it and you can pay me when you get to my place.
If you haven't read the book, no problem. Just come and chat. If you have, didn't you just love it? Oh, wait...we will talk about it Thursday. You're awesome.
See ya!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Calling a person with "Crafty" talent
I am in need of a person who is good at making things look nice!!! I am finding 10 quotes from the new Relief Society book to hang in the RS room for our open house on the 15th, next Saturday night. I don't have any of those cool digital scrapbooking programs for my computer and would love it if someone is willing to help me by making the quotes look nice "scrap-booked" cute for the event.
please call me or email me at kelliejh (at) yahoo (dot) com.
Thanks so much,
Kellie Wright
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Zumba Tomorrow!
Kellie Here, I will be teaching Zumba tomorrow for Kuliana. A few things to know:
1st - The ventana building will be cleaned tomorrow, so we will have zumba at the STAKE CENTER, the building off of Ellison and Golf Course.
2nd - Rise and Shine!!!! Zumba STARTS PROMPTLY AT 8:15 and will END at 9:00 (then you have the rest of the morning to run errands!).
3rd - I do not use weights, you can bring them and use them on your own if you wish!
Come and have fun, I am so excited to teach!
Check out Albuquerque West Stake Zumba on Facebook for add'l info ongoing! Like Us!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
4th Annual Burns Halloween Carnival
I love the weather change and the fun and the food and the excitement that begins in October.
One of those things is our annual Burns Halloween Carnival. Food. Fun. Fright. Okay, not really fright, but whatever. This year we are going to do it Friday, October 21 from 4:30-whenever. (unless there is a trunk or treat...then we will do it the week before.) We are going to keep it at the Seville neighborhood Keyenta and Irving, (up in the Ventana area.)
Here's how it works.
You bring a dish of food and a Halloween game to share. Voila! Carnival. It has been a lot of fun in the past and have no doubt it will be again this year.
RSVP is necessary to keep things organized. It helps us avoid duplicated game and food. So please email me, stef.burns @ if you are interested in attending and let me know what food and game you want to bring.
Let the rompus begin!!
Steam Cleaner
The carpets in my car could use a little cleaning!!
Heidi C.
morsyd at gmail dot com
Monday, September 26, 2011
shuttle service needed
Needed: a person with their own vehicle, mini-van preferable, insurance and drivers license to shuttle guests to and from the school and our house.
When: Friday September 30th from 6:45 PM-9:15 PM.
Rate: $25 for the night.
Interested? Please contact Chelsea H. (the bride) at 450-2712.
For Sale
Part Time Job
My hubby owns a dental practice and we are in need of someone to come in to clean it on the weekends. If you know of anyone with good housekeeping skills looking to make some extra money and commit to each weekend then please email me and we can discuss some of the details. Thanks
Lisa B.
mammaburk (at) gmail (dot) com
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Harvest Fair 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Jenny Ch.
Sunshine Generation
Discounted Price .....Special Sunshine Generation Prices (Children's Performing Group) Lowered for families with kids ages 3-5 from $36 to $24 a month. (for those that check this blog) Call for a FREE TRIAL CLASS! Focuses on singing, dancing, showmanship, confidence and fun! Also, recently added Homeschool class.
3:00-4:00 Homeschool Group
3:00-3:45 ages 3-5 **special price**
4:00-5:00 ages 6-8
5:10-6:10 ages 9-10
Call Andrea at 715-2841
To check out national site:
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Zoo Trip

Sunday, September 18, 2011
Scrapbookers and Paper Crafters
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Free Furniture
We are giving away 3 pieces of furniture to anyone who will take them. The picture isn't phenomenal and the desk is partially dissembled (but VERY easy to reassemble.)
Table: 4'W x 2.5'D x 2.5'H, white legs, light pine top, solid wood, needs a good cleaning
Entertainment Cabinet: 2.5'W x 20"D x 28"H, grey and light pine particle/pressed board, 4 shelves, 1 plexiglass hinged door, surface scratches, fair condition.
Computer Desk (use your imagination for how it looks): hinged drawer for the CPU on the left, small pull-out drawer box that sits on top of the desk, 3 roll out drawers on the right hand side (bottom one large enough to hold letter size file folders)
5'W x 2.5'D x 2.5'H, honey pine color pressed/particle board, a few scratches and surface blemishes but in good condition
email to melissa DOT lee DOT spencer AT
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Apples to Apples
Bring your recipe, your food, and enjoy a fun lunch while the kids play. If you have any questions, you can email me at jennifer dot childers at gmail do com. Hope to see you then!
GGYR Craft Fair
Hello Friends and fellow Crafters,
I wanted to share with you the opportunity to join us at the Galloping Grace Youth Ranch Craft Fair. This is a great organization and here is a little bit of what is about.
Galloping Grace Youth Ranch is a not for profit organization whose mission statement is “To bring pure joy to children”. We encourage children to believe in themselves and introduce them to the love and therapy of horses. Our main purpose is to allow children to come at no cost and experience the unconditional love of a horse. Everyone who comes has the opportunity to care for the horses and learn what it takes to maintain the ranch, all while building a personal relationship with the horses!
We will be hosting our 5th annual Pumpkin Patch this year. We are set up on the corner of Irving and Coors Blvd at 4349 Irving Blvd NW. We use this event as an opportunity to raise money and bring awareness to our Youth Ranch.
Last year Galloping Grace Pumpkin had the pleasure of serving several thousand people in just one month! We gave 2,635 rides on our horses and many families returned more than once to enjoy our Pumpkin Patch. We provide a unique environment for families to come and enjoy Fall and not only pick the perfect pumpkin but run through our corn maze, decorate pumpkins, dress up scarecrows, participate in duck races, rope our wooden steers, participate in our petting zoo, and of course—ride a horse!
This a great opportunity to promote your business. I have been involved in this organization for a little over a year and was blessed to be able to be at last years pumpkin patch.
The event will be running for 2 weekends in October. The weekend of October 15th & 16th and October 22nd & 23rd. The event will start at 9am until 5pm. The cost for the spot is $75 for a day and you will receive a discount for the more days you commit too. 1 day is $75, 1 entire weekend is $125, both weekends is $225. I will need to receive the contract ASAP, email or mail and then the $75 to hold your spot. The full amount will be due by October 5, 2011. The space will be 10X10, you will need to provide your own table(s), chairs and covering.
I will only accept 1 of any specific business (ie: Pampered Chef, Avon, Tastefully Simple, Lia Sophia) per day. If you would like me to help you get matched up with another person in your business or would like to share the space please let me know & I will do my best. We will accept as many crafters as we can. If you know of a business that would be interested in a spot please forward this email.
This is a great way to get promote your business or sell your product. We had approximately 2,000 people come through the Pumpkin patch each of those weekends last year. This is also an amazing cause to support and help children enjoy the opportunity to experience horses.
Please email me or call me if you need more information.
Dawn Goodrum
Craft Fair Coordinator fall 2011 Galloping Grace Youth Ranch 505-898-2849
Monday, September 5, 2011
Young Geologist?
email bendywird at gmail dot com
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Sunshine Generation . . .Children's Performing Group

We are almost full in my Sunshine Generation....Children's Performing Group! Does your child like to sing, dance, or perform?
We had a blast in our first weeks classes last week! I'm especially looking for kids ages 9-13. FIRST TRIAL CLASS FREE! Come try and see if they like it! :)
Ages 3-5 2 openings
Ages 6-8 2 openings
Ages 9-10 4 openings
Ages 11-13 4 openings
Thanks so much! If you don't have a child this age, please pass along to people who do.
Andrea Rogers
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Furniture for Sale
bendywird at gmail dot com
White dresser and two night stands
Dark brown dresser and one night stand
Brohill bookshelf and end table
26" TV
Also selling SLR cameras and accessories
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
ASL Class reminder
The ASL class, taught by MMMMWAH (yeah, I know it isn't spelled that way...I just wanted to), starts tomorrow morning.
At 10:30 to be exact.
Okay, well, if you know me there is nothing exact about it. But in theory it is scheduled from 10:30-11:30. At my house. (if you need directions call me or email.)
The best part about the class? Totally free. And I am actually going to follow a curriculum this time. So it will be much more conversational than in the past. You can bring your kids. We have a built in tramp and a swingset. I am sure we have some toys laying around.
Just thought I would remind those of you who wanted to come!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Get a Jump on the Holidays!

First of all . . . My name is Bethany and I have a toy addiction.
Whew, now that that is out of the way . . .
I cleaned out my garage and craft room and have a lot of brand new toys that I bought and stashed never quite realizing how much I was accumulating. I am at the minimizing stage and would like to get rid of some of my excess. There are too many toys to list, but I will give a sampling:
Littlest Pet Shop (some rare) $3 for the 2-pack sets, $7 for 3-pack sets,
$4 for plush
Zhu Zhu Pets, and Kung Zhu $3
Lego Harry Potter $7, $15
Lego Toy Story $5
Lego Mini-figure sets (Star Wars and Atlantis) $6
Star Wars transformers cross-overs $8
Polly Pocket sets $3
Captain Rex Helmet $7
Thomas the Tank Engine (wooden engines $5-7, Day at the Works playset $90)
Various Imaginarium dress-up costumes 3T (chef, doctor, horse-rider) $8
Sponge-Bob costume (5-7) $5
Barbie Thumbelina costume (4-5) $5
Transformer costume (5-7) $5
Southern Belle costume (5-7) $5
and more . . .
These prices are well below 50% off. I wanted to share this opportunity with you before listing everything on ebay. Please e-mail me to schedule a viewing. girlpowerjedi (at) hotmail (dot) come
Monday, August 22, 2011
Piano for Professional Moms
Friday, August 19, 2011
HP Printer Cartridge
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Free Book of Remembrance
Wendy B (bendywird at gmail dot com)
Saturday, August 13, 2011
LDS Fiction Purge
Wendy B
bendywird at gmail dot com
Citrus Delight
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Garage Sale Location Correction
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Preschool Group
I'm looking for a preschool group for my soon to be three year old daughter, Cara. I'm willing to start a group if there isn't one and people are interested. Three years ago I started up a group with four other moms for my oldest daughter, Ginger. She and I really enjoyed this. Each mom took a turn teaching twice a week for 2 hour each day and we even took turns planning field trips. We worked on preschool basics, but didn't follow any specific preschool program. The other moms and I taught lessons, but let the children play with each other a lot. Basics where important, but so was socialization. If you know of a preschool group that has an opening for a three year old or are interested in starting a new group please leave a comment.
Jessica C.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Tax-Free Weekend
Happy Shopping!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
No time for practice? Hidden talent? Yearning to learn a specific song?

Throughout this course, we will learn:
* how to break songs into manageable chunks
* how all of those chords, scales and arpeggios your piano teacher made you practice when you were seven actually apply to music
* how to practice a song in five-minute sections
* how to select a song that will challenge you at your current level
* which composers you actually enjoy listening to
How it works:
We will meet one day, every four weeks from 10:30-12:00. The first 30 minutes will be spent going over difficult sections, picking compositions, etc in a group setting. At 11:00, we will have a technique lesson that will improve our practice skills for the next four weeks. From 11:30-12:00, we will play our songs that we have been working on for each other.
Workshop cost:
Class dates:
August 23, September 20, October 18 and November 29.
If these dates don't work for you, let me know.
Are little ones allowed? Yes, as long as they will be content being in the same room, but not on your lap.
Did I mention treats? Any performance should have something yummy afterwards, shouldn't it??
Please e-mail me at: by August 15 if you are interested.
Help and ASL Class
You all ready for school to start? I a feel guilty kind of way. I am dying to get my routine/schedule back. And just a little quiet.
So two things.
First, I finished "The Help" and so if anyone wants to borrow it, let me know. I couldn't put it down so it was a good thing that my family was out of town this week. Otherwise I would have simply ignored them.
Secondly, I am going to be starting another ASL class starting in September. I think this time I am going to be following a curriculum that I found so it will be more of a conversational ASL class. I want to make sure that I am teaching you things that you can use to talk to
I have either Tuesdays or Thursdays to pick from at this point. If you are interested, email me (stef.burns at to let me know and tell me which day you prefer. It will be in the morning at 10am. At my house. It will be a 10 week course. I am not going to charge anything, unless you want copies of the pages I am going to be using. If you do, then maybe $10 would cover that cost. But we can talk about that.
So let me know if you are interested. In the book and/or the class.
Enjoy your last 2 weeks!!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Zumba Tomorrow!
Zumba with Kellie and anyone who wants to teach ;)
Free Desk and Shelf
Heather H.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Dog Sitter Needed
We are going out of town from August 12th through the 20th and are looking for someone who would be interested in dog-sitting for us. Our mutt, Phoebe, is a good natured, happy, kid-friendly dog who is well trained and loves other dogs. She is just a puppy, though, (about 7 months old) so she needs a daily walk and playtime. We're looking for a family who would keep her at their home for the week we are gone. She is kennel trained (sleeps in kennel, goes in kennel when she is annoying me, and stays in kennel anytime we are gone), which is quite helpful. We are willing to pay a generous amount to anyone interested in taking on this job.
Do you need a Babysitter or Other Work Done?
Card Swap Anyone???
crescentmarchant (at) gmail (dot) com.
Oh and you don't have to be committed every month. If one month you want to do it and the next month you can't, that's just fine. Or if you want to make the cards, but can't make it to the swap, just send them to the swap with someone else, that's okay too!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
book club lineup
August 18- A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
September 15- Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand
October 20- Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
Do we have any volunteers to lead the discussions for any of these books? Also, we need a host location for the October meeting (unless the weather cooperates and you want to bring jackets for a last outdoor meeting)
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
book club meeting Thursday PM
We're discussing Merrilee Brown Boyack's book 'The Parenting Breakthrough". Even if you haven't read the book you are invited to come and share your opinion, experiences and thoughts on parenting. We usually hang around and talk until 11-ish so come when you can! FYI next month's book is A Tale of Two Cities by Dickens.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Busy Mom Book Club
In an attempt to be less confusing as to which book club we are talking about, we are naming this book club "The Busy Mom Book Club." Don't laugh.
Bethany, thanks for the fun reading of "Secrets of the Jedi." It was fun, it was enlightening, and now I can understand Kobe a little more. Heh.
Next month, Susan Turner has chosen "The Help" by Katherine Stockett. This book is coming out in the theatres soon, if it isn't already there. Here is a synopsis:
The Help is set in the early 1960s in Jackson Mississippi, and is told from the perspective of 3 people, Aibileen, Minny and Skeeter. Aibileen is an African-American maid who cleans houses and cares for the young children of various white families. During the time covered in the novel, she has a job looking after a toddler girl named Mae Mobley, her first job since her own 24-year-old son was killed in an on-the-job accident.
Minny, Aibileen's confrontational friend who frequently tells her employers what she thinks of them, which has resulted in her being fired from 19 jobs. Her most recent employer was Mrs. Walters, mother of Hilly Holbrook. Hilly is the social leader of the community, and head of the Junior League, the lady you do not want to cross in Jackson Mississippi. She will become the nemesis for all three main characters in the book.
Miss "Skeeter" Eugenia Phelan is the daughter of a prominent white family that owns a large cotton farm that employs many African-Americans in the fields, as well as in the household. Skeeter has just finished college and come home with big dreams of becoming a writer. However, her mother only wishes for Skeeter to get married, something that does not particularly interest Skeeter. Upon coming home Skeeter discovers that Constantine, the maid that raised her, has suddenly quit, and moved to Chicago with no word to Skeeter. This was unusual since Constantine had been writing to Skeeter the entire time she was at college, and had promised Skeeter a surprise when she got home. This is a mystery that nobody will discuss with Skeeter. The Help reveals Skeeter's personal struggles with her friends and family throughout.
During the weekly bridge club that Skeeter attends with Hilly, Mrs. Walters and Elizabeth, Abileen's employer, Hilly discusses her belief that all homes should have separate bathroom facilities for the "colored" help. This discussion has an impact on Skeeter. She is awakened to the realization that her friends' maids are treated so different from the way a white person is treated, and wants to reveal the truth to the world from the maids' perspectives by writing a book about it.
Written in the first person from the perspective of Abileen, Minny and Skeeter, the struggles Skeeter experiences to communicate to the maids and gain their trust is revealed, as well as the issues of overcoming long standing barriers in customs and laws by all of the characters. The daily lives of the Southern housewife, and the household maid during the early 1960's in Mississippi are explored. The dangers of undertaking writing a book about African-Americans speaking out in the early 60's are constantly hovering over the 3 ladies. The ultimate results are heart breaking at times, and humorous at times, and unpredictable.
Can't wait.
This month, we are meeting at Susan's house, Aug 18th at 12:30pm. (Thanks to everyone being willing to switch days and times so that I can come.) We know this is the same day as the other book club, but we figured it was doing the day so there would be no conflict.
Hope to see you all there.
Friday, July 15, 2011
House for Rent in Ventana Ranch $1200/ Month
It is 1800 sq feet, 3 bedrooms and an office, 2 bath. Finished backyard WITH GRASS.
Single story. 1/2 block from Ventana Ranch Elementary School.
Owner pays Water/Sewer
She is asking $1200 a month. If you are interested email me at kelliejh(at)yahoo(dot)com or call, my # is in the Volcano Cliffs directory.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Help a Sister Out
I just wanted to let you know about the "Help a Sister Out" blog. It is a blog for anyone in and around Ventana and has lots of good stuff on it. I thought you might like to check it out! Feel free to e-mail me to post on there if you would like... foreverfamilee{at}gmail {dot}com
-Kristie L.