Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Recipe Group: Apples, Apples!!

I love Fall!! And it is almost here. Whoot!

This month for recipe group we are using apples.

It can be a new recipe. Something old. A technique you have never used or one you are an expert at. Appliscious is the name, eating it is our game.

This month it will be next Tues, Sept 11 at 12:00pm at Kellie H.'s house...the new one.

Let's try something new, shall we. One of the reasons we have this group is to share recipes...that way you know what the recipe tastes like and can decide if you want to add it to your favorites or quietly hope you never have to taste that again.

If possible, can you send me (stef.burns at your recipe before hand that way I can have it to put on the blog. You can take a picture of the recipe, type it out, send me the link. I am not picky. Just want to be able to share all the yumminess that you have to offer. If you forget to send it before hand, just bring a copy of it to the recipe group. And if you still forget, just send me an email.

Let's share our apple recipes! See ya there!!!

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