What is American Mothers Inc. ?
American Mothers is an inter-faith, non-political, non-profit organization that continues to recognize the invaluable contribution mothers make to the future success and happiness of children and society. It is an organization comprised of women and men who are interested in the preservation of families and in strengthening the moral and spiritual foundations of the family and home.
Check out their web site if this interest you. Americanmothersinc.org
My mother is the "Mother of the Year" from Texas and I have been at my sisters home a couple of times when they have had their monthly meeting, which is about a hour long. They share stories, recipes, parenting ideas and have fun work shops for moms. It was really a fun time to get together with other mothers.
If this is something you would be interested in please contact me at gehreh@gmail(dot)com and I will get you involved with the area coordinator Mary Compton she is looking for some moms out here who might be interested in starting a chapter.
Rebecca H.
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