Sunday, February 20, 2011

Fun Activities for kids

Special Soup ages 2-6
Mixing bowl, spoon, whatever you're cooking for dinner
Activity Detail
If you're trying to cook and your little one keeps demanding your attention, give them their own large mixing bowl and spoon. Hand them the odds and ends of whatever you're using: i.e. potato or onion peels, celery leaves, pasta, etc. Add water and any spices you feel you can spare. Stir, stir, stir... let your child keep adding whatever strikes their fancy. Et voila! Special Soup! You can't eat it, but your child will have fun working along next to you.

Creating Snacklaces ages 2-6

Yarn or string, pretzels or Cheerios
Activity Detail
This is a slightly more nutritious variation of candy jewelry. Cut yarn or string in different lengths for your child to wear as a necklace or bracelet. Let your child decorate it by stringing on Cheerios or small pretzels. Make extras - they're fun to carry around for your child to nibble on!

Coffee Filter Flowers, ages 2-6


Coffee filters, pipe cleaner, markers

Activity Detail

Begin with a stack of white, basket-style coffee filters. Give your child a stack of the coffee filters and a bunch of markers, and let him or her decorate them. These will form the petals of the flowers. Once they're done, group the filters into stacks of three or four. Then twist together to bottom of the stack of filters, and secure it with a colored pipe cleaner, which will be the stem of the flower. Then fan out the layers, and your child has a beautiful, homemade flower!

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